News Announcements Terms and Definitions
Surgery Building

the dictionary of terms
Meniere's disease(hidrops endolymphaticus); Mytonic Labyrinthine Syndrome...
More in detail

Neurosensory hypoacusis...
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The surgical treatment of the Meniere's disease and of other vestibular disorders (paroxysms)

The surgical treatment of the Meniere's disease (the endolymphatic hydrops) and of other vestibular disorders (paroxysms).

I'm author of new of methods of the medical and surgical treatment of Meniere's dsease.

My method of medical treatment is basing on the relax of the middle ear muscles.

By the surgical intervention the tendon m. tensoris tympani had been cuted and on the promontorium had been made a cochleastoma incomplete.

Yours faithfully, Shvartsman N.A.

Attention!!! The surgical treatment of the high-gravity of the neurosensory hypoacusis...More in detail

Attention!!! The surgical treatment of the Meniere's disease (the endolymphatic hydrops) and of other vestibular disorders (paroxysms)...More in detail

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