Meniere's disease(hidrops endolymphaticus); Mytonic Labyrinthine Syndrome...
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Neurosensory hypoacusis...
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Meniere's disease (hidrops endolymphaticus)
the dictionary of terms
Meniere's disease(hidrops endolymphaticus); Mytonic Labyrinthine Syndrome...
Meniere's disease (hidrops endolymphaticus); Mytonic Labyrinthine Syndrome - the vertigo paroxisms with the high-gravity of the neurosensory hypoacusis.
Attention!!! The surgical treatment of the high-gravity of the neurosensory hypoacusis...More in detail
Attention!!! The surgical treatment of the Meniere's disease (the endolymphatic hydrops) and of other vestibular disorders (paroxysms)...More in detail